Tuesday 11 February 2014

#Life is a miracle, embrace it

Every time I see them reach a milestone my heart skips a beat.  Everything that has happened up to this point has brought me to a simple realisation that God was with me every step of the way.  Every step I have taken up to so far was ordered by him.  He has brought us this far and he will take us even further. 
We know that the journey ahead of is us a long one, we accept that it will not be a smooth one but we have beat the odds to get to where we are now and we will continue to rise above the adversities we face in life.  We are encouraged by our victory and we can certainly say without doubt that everything happens for a reason and no pain lasts for ever unless we choose for it to remain with us to eternity.
We embrace our life and each other with our faults and glories and above all we love each other and everyone who loves us.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is just the beginning of our journey as a family but I am convinced that if we keep our flame of love burning and always remember that ours is a God and not good situation.  We can face anything and anyone.
We just celebrated the twins 3rd birthday and we could not have asked for a more perfect day.  Sometimes with the daily rushes we omit to take a second just to appreciate and I looked at them and my heart skipped a beat in appreciation of a miracle unfolding before my eyes every single day.  

1 comment :

  1. God's visible / effective hand in yours or the life of those close to you - todays defnition of a miracle #Nhlamulo #Blessed
